First Name: Last Name: Choose a Username*: E-mail*: Address Line 1*: Address Line 2: City*: State/Province*: Zip/Postal Code*: Country*: PayPal E-mail*: Create a Password: Password Confirmation: I agree to the Affiliate Signup Agreement. I, the Affiliate, agree to represent the Company (doczac Enterprises Inc and Handmaster Plus) in a professional manner, never to spam, send junk mail or misrepresent the products or my knowledge of the products. The Affiliate is solely responsible to read and review the Handmaster Plus website information. The Affiliate may not be engaged in illegal activity of any kind. Handmaster Plus is a training, balance and injury risk reduction device designed to address the performance and stability of the fingers, thumb, hand, wrist, carpal tunnel and elbow. It is not a panacea or stand-alone acute care treatment protocol, yet can indeed be used as a rehabilitation exercise to compliment the treatment protocol under the direction of a health care professional. No affiliate is to give health, training or fitness advice that is outside of their scope pertaining to our products. Always be clear that any new exercise must be approved by the health care professional of your customer or potential customer. The rules of the Agreement may change at any time, in which case all Affiliates will be notified in writing. The Agreement can be discontinued at any time by Affiliate or Company. New Affiliates are screened by our staff and may be denied partnership if deemed inappropriate. Thank you for your interest, Dr. Terry Zachary, doczac Enterprises Inc.